WELD / Accessories / Pipe & Grinder Stands

Large Pipe Stand -Range 35-55 inches (890-1400 mm) -Reinforced 8 inch wide V-head -Tripod base load rated 5000 lbs. -Positive load locking pin -V8 head included

Large Pipe Stand w/ Leveling Leg -Range 35-55 inches (890-1400 mm) -Reinforced 8 inch wide V-Head -Tripod base load rated 3000 lbs. -Positive load locking pin -Adjustable leg for levelling -V8 head included

Medium Pipe Stand -Range 29-45 inches (740-1143 mm) -Reinforced 8 inch wide V-Head -Tripod base load rated 5000 lbs. -Positive load locking pin -V8 head included

Small Pipe Stand -Range 16-30 inches (405-760 mm) -Reinforced 4 inch wide V-Head -Tripod Base Load Rated 4500 lbs. -V4 head included

Sawhorse Stand -Sturdy frame with large footprint to stabilize roller -Wheels to raise sawhorse off the ground when moving into position -Positive load locking pins

Double Grinder Holder -Mount two grinders, an umbrella and your remote without tying up your pipe stands. -Improve grinder safety and saves wear and tear on tools -Pipe stand still available to use with other attachments -Save time by keeping the tools at your finger tips -Pipestand(s) and accesories not included.

Triple Grinder Holder -Mount three grinders, an umbrella and your remote without tying up your pipe stands -Improve grinder safety and saves wear and tear on tools -Pipestand(s) and accesories not included

Magnetic Grinder Holder Saves you time and money by keeping the grinders at your fingertips while making sure tools are out of the dirt.