Miller Multimatic 255
Weldable Materials:
Mild steel, stainless steel, aluminum
Wire Size:
.023", .030", .035", .045"
Short circuit, pulsed spray, stick, DC TIG
Material Thickness:
Gauge (.020 -.125")
Sheet (.125 - .375")
Contact Us for Price & Availability
Comes With:
Multimatic 255
15' (4.5m) 250-amp MDX-250 MIG gun with bernard Acculock S consumables
10' (3m) cable with electrode holder
10' (3m) work cable with clamp
10' (3m) industrial power cord
Factory-installed gas solenoid
Flow gauge regulator and gas hose for argon or AR/CO2 mix
Chain to secure gas cylinder
.035/.045" reversible V-groove drive rolls
Extra contact tips and material thickness gauge
Stock Numbers:
907728 - Miller Multimatic 255 Multiprocess Welder 208-575V - $500 Build with Blue Rebate
951767 - Miller Multimatic 255 Multiprocess Welder w/ EZ-Latch Single Cylinder Running Gear 208-575V -$500 Build with Blue Rebate
951768 - Miller Multimatic 255 Multiprocess Welder w/ EZ-Latch Dual Cylinder Running Gear & TIG Kit - 208-575V - $500 Build with Blue Rebate
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